Subject: USS Herald of The Morning Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2001 17:04:52 -0700 (PDT) From: Betty Hippensteal To: Dear Joe Pires, I was going throught an address book that my mother had and found a list of addresses she had. I found this: J R Frasier s i/c Dir S AP USS Herald of The Morning, Then I can't make out if it is a 7 or f or 0/0 F.P.O. San Francisco, Calif. So I looked up USS Herald Of The Morning. I ended up Reading about, The Bennington. Ever since my parents have past away I have been searching on my family roots. The letters from my father to my mother while he was in World War Two are like a story. I'm glad that she never trashed them. Anyway I read the infomation on The Bennington. To me it was like stepping into the past that I had never lived, but my dad and mother did. I almost cryed to read the ending of The Bennington. As I search more I wonder where the information I find that she keep will take me. Great site and I thank-you. Betty